We strive to create mobility and accessibility solutions that allow people to stay in their homes and go where they want, when they want, how they want. 

We will provide a free on-site, no pressure consultation. This allows us to perform a custom assessment of your requirements and gather your specific home layout details in order to best determine what mobility/assessibility products meet your personal situation.  We will follow up with a written estimate and equipment brochures for your consideration.

Gateway Mobility Solutions provides sales, installation and service to the St. Louis metro area, and southeastern Missouri, Lake of the Ozarks and southwestern Illinois.  We offer a wide range of mobility and accessibility products to choose from.

You can maintain your independence and stay in the comfort of your own home with use of these cost effective solutions, and avoid assisted living facilities.  Contact us and we will be glad to schedule an appointment to meet with you at your convenience.

Thanks!    Rob & Stephanie Hoppe


Rob Hoppe - 314-630-2229 Mobile/Text

Location: Byrnes Mill, MO 63051